We pride ourselves on creating a culture where Devcognites work happily, inspired, motivated and challenged...
Devco has earned a reputation as tech geniuses... It makes our hearts swell.
Benefits that Devco has for its members
Dev wellness program
We believe that health is essential to the overall well-being of Devcognitas, contributing significantly to an organizational culture oriented towards caring for them.
Payroll advance
Advance on payroll
For Devco, the integrity of its employees is fundamental, which is why we incorporate innovative measures to promote the inclusion and financial health of each of the Devcognitas.
Credit support
Credit payroll loan
Financial mentors
Wellbeing and financial education
Happy holidays
Holidays in money
Career path
Career plan
Dev knowledge path
These spaces make the work environment more dynamic, which is why we invest in the training and development of our employees, cultivating more competent and motivated teams. The constant improvement of skills and knowledge not only increases productivity and the quality of work, but also strengthens resilience to changes and challenges. In addition, by showing a commitment to the professional growth of our devcognitas.
Continuous technical mentoring
Training plans
Learning community
Technical day
Training program
Dev culture
We create a positive and motivating work environment that directly impacts employee performance and satisfaction. With a solid organizational culture, we encourage collaboration, open communication and trust, thus achieving more united and committed devcognitas.
Integration spaces
Day off on your birthday
Half day free
Family day
Family Day
International projects
Projects for international clients